Writing about writing...

Writing about writing...

Friday, March 14, 2014

A little poetry for the weekend...

Hello! So today is Friday, and amongst other things,  I feel like sharing a little poetry. Can we make "Poetry Friday" a thing? I should probably think of a better name first...

In my poetry writing workshop this semester we are currently working on a poem that we have written about a piece of art that inspires us. Interestingly enough, my poetry teacher calls poetry and painting "sister arts," because of their use of concert images to portray abstract ideas. 

The poem below was inspired by a painting called "Lovers in a Wood", by Grimshaw. My ever-hepful suitemate told me about Grimshaw, and I find his work very imaginatively inspirational. 

"Secret Fire"

A crystal moon refracts

in droplets that coat the path,

and barren winter trees

with harsh white fire from the moon.

The moonbeams escape

through winter boughs and shine 

upon the rime-encrusted surface 

of a sluggish creek.

Great drifts of sodden leaves 

lie windblown against

the black tree boles, moldering 

in the chill dew of the night.

Hidden in the trees a cottage, 

revealed only by a wisp of smoke 

that issues from a dying fire

and twists around the somber trees.

Far from this warmth

two figures stand so close 

the moon unites them

in a single shadow.

The cottage chimney smokes.

They hold a fiercer fire

between strong arms:

undying warmth on this frosty night. 

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