Writing about writing...

Writing about writing...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Take Note(s)!

Inspiration always seems to strike me at the most unfortunate times. Sometimes it is when I am driving, sometimes in the middle of a conversation, sometimes while I am in class. Then, when I am actually in need of inspiration, my mind is as dry as the Sahara. Because of this unfortunate lapse of inspiration, I started to jot notes down wherever I could when I am feeling inspired. I have a note on my phone, one on my iPad, a notebook in my purse, and a stick it note on my desk. Looking over my notes is pretty amusing, because the thoughts are so random. Here is a sample:

“How do I paint a shirt stretched across a back
That bends forward to look at taughtened sails
As they glide across the sea,
pushed by the muscles of the wind?

Heroes are just ordinary people doing the right thing under hard circumstances.

life is such an interesting thing,
the peasant someday may become the king.”

Just shows you how random my mind is, right? I have found that it is helpful to be able to refer back to these notes sometimes, and build off of their ideas for my writing. Moral of the story? Write down all of those crazy, random thoughts… You never know when you could use them for a blog post!

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